

I sent this letter to the Barack Obama campaign today and I'd encourage you to do the same if you feel the same. Contact the campaign HERE.

To Senator Obama, his staff, and advisers:

I have a serious suggestion for your already-impressive campaign: speak directly to the country via YouTube... every day.

In these dire, frustrating, dishonest times, addressing the nation via YouTube would have the effect of a modern-day "fireside chat." YouTube could do for you what the radio did for Roosevelt: it would give you a direct line to the public. It would, for many, provide a powerful taste of leadership that would likely be amplified by our country's otherwise lack-there-of.

More importantly, a minute of your time daily could suffuse the personal, human flourish that the American political landscape sorely lacks.

The topics needn't be political or combative (although many of your policies and ideas would encapsulate well). Just be honest. If you're tired, say you're tired. Do you know any good jokes? What sort of music do you listen to on the campaign trail? How are you?

I'd be fascinated to hear your thoughts on just about anything, especially the many parts of the country you travel to, the foods and traditions and people and things you encounter. You have a unique and incredible perspective that you cannot do too much to reinforce.

Also, daily YouTube content would allow you to stare directly into the eyes of a future generation, the same generation mobilized (and unified) by YouTube-centric pop artists like Lil Wayne, Lil Mama, and Soulja Boy. These young stars forged identities (and captured the attention of millions of young fans with powerful voices) by posting endless videos to YouTube. Usually, they just said hi or thanked their fans for appreciating their music.

I know the election eclipses something as trivial as first week sales, but you can't deny the power of a young American feeling like he or she is being understood and identified with. When you watch videos of the aforementioned rappers, you can feel them leveling with you, you can feel them ignoring bureaucracy, making their own way, and bucking the conventions ingrained by their industry. They only hope you'll hear what they have to say. In a 2.0 world, YouTube is the ultimate way to say "I am like you, and you are like me, and we ARE important!"

You have an official account and, besides, you already live in the eye of the lens. I think about this every day. This will tip the campaign. This will surge awareness of your style and sensibilities. This will allow the youth to decide their future and prevent embedded views of older generations from controlling expectations and results.

I'm encouraging my friends and family to send similar messages to your campaign. I apologize for any repetition your campaign might see in its busy inbox. But: where you clearly feel passionate about change, progress, and the well-being of our country, I feel passionate about you telling me (and millions of others) about change, progress, and the well-being of our country via YouTube. Daily.

Best to you and yours,
Aaron Davidson
San Francisco

P.S. Thank you.

Again, if you dig this idea, please contact the campaign HERE.

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